Despite the negative press active management has received off the back of the Woodford debacle, its presence in capital markets remains a core pillar when one considers the effect of long-term compounding returns and capital preservation capabilities from quality active managers over that of the index.
The sea change in recent history is the recognition that asset allocators can utilise the now behemoth range of passive products to enhance the tactical capabilities of a fully active portfolio without sacrificing the active DNA of the proposition. Right now, we are taking advantage of passive.
ETFs providing minimum volatility exposure to developed market equity indexes as well as ETFs with a heavier tilt to value and dividend paying stocks from the likes of SPDR and DWS.
Rules based ETFs are presenting asset allocators with a more surgical set of investment options to gain ever more granular exposure to specific ideas and themes, which I believe will redefine portfolio construction techniques in future market cycles.
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