The Defaqto Risk Ratings for our ESG and Premier model portfolios are live!

The Defaqto Risk Ratings for our ESG and Premier model portfolios are live!

The Defaqto Risk Ratings for our ESG and Premier model portfolios are live!


TAM Portfolio Defaqto Risk Rating
ESG Defensive 3
ESG Cautious   4
ESG Balanced   5
ESG Growth  6
ESG Adventurous  7


TAM Portfolio Defaqto Risk Rating
Premier Liquidity Plus    2
Premier Defensive      2
Premier Cautious     3
     Premier Balanced           4
Premier Growth 5
Premier Adventurous 6
Premier Speculative  7

We are delighted to give you more ways to access our award-winning model investment portfolios. If you'd like more information just get in touch with our Business Development Manager, Joseph Terry, via email: or phone: +44(0)207 549 7662.