TAM's magnificent eight: TAM's chosen funds take over fund manager awards

Last week on Thursday 6th July, the good and the great of the fund management industry came together in the Royal Albert Hall to celebrate outstanding achievement at the annual Fund Manager of the Year Awards hosted by Investment Week.

As a result, TAM was having a celebration of our own that night! As a 'fund of funds' manager it remains our mission to not only design clients a market beating strategy, but to also own the best fund managers in the business.

On the night: 

       1. Two funds central to TAM’s investment strategy were outright winners in their sector

       2. A further six funds were shortlisted for an award

The Winners


Blackrock Corporate Bond Fund
UK Corporate Bond Fund Of The Year
(Central to TAM’s corporate debt strategy)
Hermes Global Emerging Markets
Emerging Markets
(TAM’s core emerging markets fund)

The Nominees

Brooks Macdonald Defensive Capital Fund
Global Absolute Return
(Makes up a core element of TAM’s absolute return strategy)
Fidelity US Special Situations
Best North American Fund
(TAM’s Core US Fund)
Best Global Growth Fund
(Makes up a core element of TAM’s global growth strategy)
Franklin UK Equity Income
Best UK Income Fund
(Makes up a core element of TAM’s UK strategy)
Newton Global Income
Best Global Income Fund
(Makes up a core element of TAM’s high income strategy)
Rathbone Ethical Bond Fund
UK Corporate Bond Fund Of The Year
(Central to TAM’s global debt strategy)

The swath of TAM owned fund managers being celebrated by the industry, in our mind, serves to highlight the message that both performance and 'protection' are embedded in the philosophy for our clients. Our previous investment note 'To Serve and Protect' has more on that subject.

It is often all too easy for investment managers such as ourselves to lose focus on what we deliver to clients. Owning eight funds as the central core to our portfolio strategies shortlisted for industry awards in 2017 is a reminder that we are working in the best interests of clients. We do know our funds but are by no means complacent - this has to be a repeatable event!